Tuesday, June 19

The Summer of the Sunflower Fort

May 20th:
The Sunflower Fort is just a gleam in my eye and a circle in the dirt.

June 1st:
Seeds were planted and actually sprouted. It's a miracle!

June 11th:
It's growing! It's really growing!

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June 19th:
We've sprayed for insects and fed our sunflowers-to-be Miracle Gro. The sprouts have been thinned out and we've actually had to transplant a few to make the spacing just right. The transplants haven't died yet, although a few leaves definitely look worse for the move. Due to all the watering, the weeds have begun in earnest also. Weeding will be on Paul's Honey-Do list after the big trade show is over this Friday.

I still have pictures of our Pumpkins' Progress and Watermelon Field to show you. But alas, it is 10:48 p.m. and I'm exhausted. Until next time, it's over and out from The Accidental Gardener.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I see the progress!! yay! Can't wait to see the next round of pics!