Sunday, June 24

Pumpkins' Progress

May 20th
Here are the dirt mounds with their little seeds hidden inside:

May 30th
Our first little jack-o-lantern to be greets the world.

June 11th:
I've thinned down the plants to one per mound. We also, for the sake of weeding less, put plastic down on the bed and added some top soil/mulchy stuff. It looks much nicer now.

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June 24th
The plants are really growing now. Isn't this one just lovely?

This one was the first one to peek out and originally, the first one to flourish. For some reason, it has slowed down and is only half the size of its brother.

You can get an idea here of the difference in their sizes. I will add some more soil to the mounds this week and give them another feeding of Miracle Gro. Maybe that will help the little guy along.

Our next gardening post will be our watermelon patch, such as it is.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

They are looking good!!! I'm all about the plastic and top soil...I'm learning quickly! Pumpkins would be great to it too late in the year to start for me?