Wow! I just looked back through some old posts and it has been awhile since I did a real update on the goings on around here. I guess that is really an indication that I've become more busy. I tend to focus on my other blog, Life, the Universe and Everything and even there, I'm not posting as often as I have in the past. But real life should take precedence over blog life, right?
Without further ado, the family update:
Marley - Marley is in the middle of one of those developmental phases. You know the kind. Over the course of a couple of weeks, it seems as if you have a whole new child. She is getting taller. I just measured her and she has grown a quarter inch in the last month. That makes about one inch since just before Christmas. Paul and I have both noticed how much her language is developing and she has these adult teeth filling up her mouth. (Note to self: make an appointment for her to go to the dentist. She's overdue!) School is going well although their is a lot of "breaking up" of friendships occurring. Things seem to blow over in a day or two, but it isn't just Marley and her friends. It seems to be a tumultuous time for the entire set of first grade girls. (I can't wait for the high school version of all this... NOT!)
Current favorites:
- Color: Blue
- School Subject: Writing
- Friend: Hannah (This is one of the third grade girls from her class. It should be noted that while Hannah does enjoy Marley's company, she has recently expressed that she is "getting a little tired of her." Marley is taking this well... so far.)
- Food: Chocolate Chip Pancakes (Currently, she is observing Lent and has given up chocolate chips. Fortunately, we practice Lent beginning on Ash Wednesdays and take Sundays off of our abstaining. So, she got some lovely pancakes this Sunday a.m. But shhhhhh, don't tell her, I never got around to picking something to give up for Lent.)
- Book: Tinkerbell
- TV Show: Naked Brothers Band
- Animal: Dog and Hamster and Guinea Pig
- Movie: Ella Enchanted
Colin - Colin is running the half mile and mile for Frosh/Soph track this year. He is working hard and we are learning about shoe spikes and underarmour and all sorts of things. We are absolutely forbidden from attending his track meets. I am hoping for a negotiation session soon so that we can see at least one. Paul and I feel pretty strongly about respecting some of these types of decisions on Colin's part, so if he says no, we'll respect it. We won't like it, but we will honor it. Academically, no major alerts. To say that Colin is ready for Spring Break would be an understatement of epic proportions. Oh, and I mustn't forget to inform you all that Colin had his hair cut. Short. He is now sporting a first class buzz cut--about 1/2 inch all over. This was his idea and only his idea. I loved his hair long but the management of it all became too much for him. He is now thoroughly enjoying unobstructed vision, a lack of long, blond hair all over and a sunburned neck. His haircut coincided with a couple of 90 degree days. Ouch! (As of this morning, I am also forbidden to take a picture of him with his no 'do so that I can post it. I'll also be negotiating that soon, too!)
Other Colin news:
- Paintball excursion several weeks ago
- Trip to Texas to visit cousins
- First unaccompanied trip on plane
- First frustration at being 14 and having to be escorted to his seat by airline personnel
- First research paper
Well, this is getting long and I'm supposed to be getting reading for church. I've got 50 minutes to get showered, iron clothes, do my hair, get Marley ready, and get to church and seated. Um... I might end up missing worship. I'll come back and catch you all up on me and Paul in the next few days. And I have a regular feature I think I'm going to do on this site. Some of the blogs I read do Flashback Fridays. For them, they use it to practice their writing and explore the past. I'll be doing a Photo version. On Fridays I'll post a few pictures from the thousands I have thrown in boxes which sit under a table in my dining room. It should be fun.
In the meantime, we found this in our yard a few days ago. I figured out what is. Can you?
Is it a wasp nest or some such bug thing? It actually looks like barf!
Okay, ew! But what is it? It looks like hard puke, but I'm sure it's not. About Marley and her friends having problems...the first graders in my class are currently going through the same things. They are friends one minute and not the next. I don't EVER remember it being that dramatic when I was in first grade, do you? I feel bad for them. Tell Marley to hang in there!
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