Wednesday, February 14

She's got fever... (Updated for the second time)

(Updated below)

... fever in the morning, fever all through the night. FEVER!

Well, we're off to the doctor this afternoon. Today was the beginning of Day Four of fever and now includes major congestion and a minor cough. Apparently this particular brand of icky lasts for days and days. Even with the fever, she's quite perky today, so that is good news.


Marley was much perkier this morning but still running a fever of 101. Around 11 am, Paul and I had an opportunity to go see a concert at the university. We took Marley to her grandparents to lie around there but she was not happy and very clingy which was a huge clue, in addition to the fever, that she still isn't up to snuff. When I got her to the doctor, her fever had risen to 102.4. Even though I had made her the appointment, I really thought the worst of the fever was over. After checking her out, the doctor said to keep an eye out for a rash because the bug that is going around sometimes has that. Also, he said the fever hasn't been lasting quite as long as it has with Marley. Taking into consideration that some of Marley's classmates have had strep recently, the doctor decided on a strep prevention program of Zithromax for five days. If we see a rash or she doesn't improve, we'll take her back in.

After getting her back home, she has actually been quite energetic and up to her old tricks. All this while continuing to run a 102 degree fever. She was a perfect patient when it was time to take her medicine. Supposedly Zithromax doesn't taste bad but I took advantage of the flavoring service at the pharmacy to make it taste like bubble gum. Just four more doses...

... oh, I almost forgot. On my way out the door of the doctor's office, the doctor looked at me and said, "I hope you don't get it." Yeah, me too, Doc!

Update Number Two.

It has been seven days and Marley is still running a consistent fever. Other than some congestion and a slight cough, fever is her only real problem. We took her back to the doctor at the urgent care this afternoon and, for now, it is back to waiting out this marathon virus. She's getting pretty restless to play with friends and we are getting pretty tired of not being able to go anywhere with her or being able to send her to school. So, a few more days and if it doesn't break, another call to the doctor.


SunShine said...

She looks sad... Hope she feels better ... I loved reading your blog =) Hugs

Terri B. said...

I think D. has this. I thought it was just bad allergies or something, but this morning his cough sounded awful. No idea if he has a fever. Maybe I'll rub his head for him this evening -- that will be more subtle than walking up to feel his forehead to see if he's hot ;o)

I'm sure he won't go to the Dr. unless he passes out and I drag his unconcious body in. Men.

Lindsey said...

Oh no. I hope she is feeling better now. We have had the same illness around here. It hit Kenny hard. Especially that fever! Get well soon (Marley)!